I truly believe a massage table is a non-negotiable and essential piece of furniture for every home.

Your regular Massage Therapist will appreciate not having to bring their own table to your home each time they visit you. 

The best part is that you and your family can learn some simple techniques to bring the power of healing touch to each other, without the awkward and postural challenges of using a regular bed!  

Book a Family or Couples Massage Training session with Corynne. 

You will learn:

-how to position your massage table and adjust the table settings for best results 

-how to use your own body weight, different body parts and awareness of your own posture in order to deliver basic massage techniques without compromising your own physical well-being.

-basic functional anatomy, the muscles, bones and soft tissues of the body. 

-endangerment zones ie. where not to apply pressure, where to take extra care, where you can safely dig a little deeper.

-basic therapeutic considerations and how to not do something to accidentally harm your loved ones!

-plus many more tid-bits of body insight gained over 20 years of massage practice.